© Varun Sharma
Conferences since 1996
7th European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry
EAZA 2023
10th European Meeting on Viral Zoonoses
ANCR Symposium 2023
SIHDA 2023
IWOTA 2023
ECSVD 2023
Sustainability Science Days 2023
Suomen Urologiyhdistyksen Talvipäivät 2023
SIG24 Meeting for Researcher Education and Careers
Suomen Urologiyhdistyksen Talvipäivät 2022
Monitieteiset perusterveydenhuollon tutkimuksen päivät 2022
The Functional Precision Medicine for Blood Cancer Workshop
XXVI Nordic Fertility Society Meeting
18th International Saga Conference
Nordic-Baltic ISCAR 2022
The 10th CEISAL International Conference
7th International Congress for Underwater Archaeology
International Conference of Cognitive Neuroscience 2022
Maple Leaf & Eagle Conference 2022
SVD-AD 2021
NordILL 2021
Uro-onkologinen tutkimuskokous 2021
The 1st Finnish Perinatal Mental Health Conference
33rd Nordic Congress of Psychiatry
46th Annual Alcohol Epidemiology Symposium of the Kettil Bruun Society
The FERA Conference on Education
28th General Meeting of European Grassland Federation
Suomen Urologiyhdistyksen Talvipäivät 2020
Finnish Wildlife Research and Management Conference 2020
LLRS Nordic Meeting 2019
Gender Studies 2019 Conference
Inspire Helsinki 2019
Helsinki Impact Conference 2019
The 31st Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition – EAIE Helsinki 2019
Graphene Week 2019
The 14th European Nurse Directors Association Congress – ENDA 2019
6th Nordic Conference on Feeding Difficulties in Children
Advances in Basic and Clinical Aspects of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Atypical Interaction Conference 2019
23rd Conference on Organometallic Chemistry – EuCOMC XXIII
3rd Nordic Neuroscience Meeting – NN 2019
ELS Workshop 2019
3rd Nordic Congress on Gynaecological Endoscopy – NCGE 2019
Pedaforum 2019
IUTAM Symposium on Physics and Mechanics of Sea Ice
The Nordic Welfare Research Conference 2019
Physics Days 2019
Suomen Urologiyhdistyksen Talvipäivät 2019
Nordic Social Work 2018
59th ICBL Conference
Second International Colloquium of Ancient Greek Linguistics
Suomen Mekaniikkapäivät 2018
August 2018, Helsinki
Participants 150
5th Symposium on Biotechnology applied to Lingocelluloses
Tutkimuspalvelupäivät 2018
Workshop on biological membranes
5th Annual Conference of the World Ecology Network WERN 2018
Too Much Medicine 2018
III Nordic Musicians Medicine Conference MHPC 2018
June 2018, Helsinki
Participants 215
2018 Joint NCFM-NAFT Conference
Union of European Phoniatricians 29th Congress – UEP 2018
8th Mismatch Negativity Conference – MNN 2018
Vascular Biology Meeting – IVBM 2018
14th European Congress on Digital Pathology – ECDP 2018
Promoting justice through education – JustEd 2018
Kielitieteen Päivät 2018
29th ESPU Congress 2018
Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 3rd Conference DHN 2018
Nordic Challenges Conference CENS 2018
Suomen Urologiyhdistyksen Talvipäivät 2018
February 2018, Oulu
Participants 300
SATS 2017
August 2017, Helsinki
Participants 360
Nordiska Juristmötet
August 2017, Helsinki
Participants 900
August 2017, Helsinki
Participants 240
9th Joint Scandinavian Conference in Cardiothoracic Surgery
August 2017, Helsinki
Participants 360
ELF & Changing English
Russkaja Grammatika
June 2017, Helsinki
Participants 170
XV Baltic Conference on Intellectual Co-operation
March 2017, Helsinki
Participants 15
ICCA Scandinavian Chapter Meeting 2017
March 2017, Espoo
Participants 85
Suomen Urologiyhdistyksen Talvipäivät 2017
February 2017, Rovaniemi
Participants 250
Course for Nordic Residents in Urology
January 2017, Tampere
Participants 50
Suomen Urologiyhdistyksen Talvipäivät 2016
February 2016, Turku
Participants 300
AIPPI Symposium
April 2016, Stockholm/Helsinki
Participants 65
European Navigation Conference 2016
May 2016, Helsinki
Participants 275
The 40th Nordic Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology
June 2016, Helsinki
Participants 900
June 2016, Helsinki
Participants 220
European Society of Human Reproduction and Ebryology – ESHRE 2016
July 2016, Helsinki
Accommodation for 4500 participants
Participants in total 10 000
The 8th IAL Symposium
6th Join Nordic Meeting on Remediation of Contaminated Sites – International Conference
September 2016, Helsinki
Participants 230
WIS 2016
The 12th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion 2016
September 2016, Tampere
Participants 1105
Suomen Urologiyhdistyksen Talvipäivät 2015
February 2015, Kuopio
Participants 260
International Congress on Safety of Engineered Nanoparticles and Nanotechnologies
April 2015, Helsinki
Participants 200
13th Congress of European Forum for Research in Rehabilitation
May 2015, Helsinki
Participants 400
Carbohydrate Bioengineering Meeting
May 2015, Helsinki
Participants 225
The 2nd Joint Nordic Conference: Courage in Social Work
June 2015, Helsinki
Participants 330
5th Biennial Meeting of ISACM 2015
June 2015, Helsinki
Participants 150
Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
June 2015, Helsinki
Participants 750
The 68th IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference
June-July 2015, Helsinki
Participants 900
15th World Gymnaestrada 2015 Helsinki
July 2015, Helsinki
Accommodation for 3500 participants
Participants in total 21 000
12th Convention of the International Confederation of Principals
August 2015, Helsinki
Participants 1200
Nordic Cereal Congress 2015
September 2015, Espoo
Participants 100
International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Motor Driven Systems
September 2015, Helsinki
Participants 160
Nordisk Tillsynskonferens 2015
October 2015, Helsinki
Participants 250
Suomen Urologiyhdistyksen Talvipäivät 2014
February 2014, Vaasa
Participants 260
Eunis-Rectors 2014
April 2014, Helsinki/Espoo
Participants 100
Nordic Orthopaedic Federation Congress
May 2014, Helsinki
Participants 600
TERVE-SOS –koulutustapahtuma
May 2014, Lappeenranta
Participants 600
Baltic ALD
May 2015, Helsinki
Participants 150
European Registrars Conference
June 2014, Helsinki
Participants 600
2014 International Chemical Recovery Conference
June 2014, Tampere
Participants 400
The 12th International Conference on New Developments and Applications in Optical Radiometry
June 2014, Espoo
Participants 200
The 11th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry ESTAC11
August 2014, Espoo
Participants 200
ESDAR Conference 2014
September 2014, Helsinki
Participants 400
The 8th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
October 2014, Helsinki
Participants 400
The 31st Award Ceremony for the World Award of Science and the World Award of Education with Aalto University Academic Summit
November 2014, Espoo
Participants 370
Suomen Urologiyhdistyksen Talvipäivät 2013
February 2013, Lahti
Participants 360
TERVE-SOS koulutustapahtuma ja messut
May 2013, Turku
Exhibitors 100
Participants 800
eGovernment conference for Government CIOs
May 2013, Helsinki
Participants 100
22nd International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic condition
June 2013, Helsinki
Participants 235
8th Global Conference on Health Promotion
June 2013, Helsinki
Participants 800
Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technologies (DESRIST) 2013 conference
June 2013, Helsinki
Participants 100
The XIII European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis
June 2013, Helsinki
Participants 400
8th World Conference of Science Journalists (WCSJ2013)
June 2013, Helsinki
Participants 800
NT13: Fourteenth International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes
June 2013, Espoo
Participants 600
The 25th International Conference on the History of Cartography
July 2013, Helsinki
Participants 190
16th International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish
September 2013, Tampere
Participants 400
The AIPPI Forum and Executive Committee Meeting
September 2013, Helsinki
Participants 1100
28th PCSI Working Conference
September 2013, Helsinki
Participants 200
Suomen Urologiyhdistyksen Talvipäivät 2012
February 2012, Jyväskylä
Participants 260
Victims in Mediation - The Status and Needs of the Victim of Crime in Mediation
February 2012, Helsinki
Participants 160
Neljäs Suomalaisen Perheterapian kongressi
March 2012, Turku
Participants 600
The European Paediatric Society
April 2012, Helsinki
Participants 300
The 9th Congress of European Laryngological Society
June 2012, Helsinki
Participants 400
Electronic Research Network for Agricultural Cooperatives
June 2012, Helsinki
Participants 45
European Association of Archaeologists
August 2012, Helsinki
Participants 1100
EuroGeographics General Assembly 2012
September 2012, Helsinki
Participants 120
Better Life for Coeliacs 2012
September 2012, Helsinki
Participants 200
ITI Congress 2012
September 2012, Helsinki
Participants 350
BeHave 2012
September 2012, Helsinki
Participants 200
Nordic World Heritage
October 2012, Helsinki
Participants 100
Suomen Urologiyhdistyksen Talvipäivät 2011
February 2011, Hyvinkää
Participants 260
Scandinavian Agile Conference 2011
March 2011, Espoo
Participants 200
NERA Nordic Conference
March 2011, Jyväskylä
Participants 400
Virology Days 2011
March 2011, Jyväskylä
Participants 130
Suomen liike- ja virkanaisten liiton kevätkokous
April 2011, Helsinki
Participants 100
DAISY Board and General Meeting 2011 and DAISY Today Conference
May 2011, Helsinki
Participants 100
14th Annual EELA Conference
May 2011, Helsinki
Participants 430
7th INSME Association Annual Meeting
May 2011, Helsinki
Participants 140
3rd European Symposium on Porcine Health Management 2011
May 2011, Espoo
Participants 270
The 19th European Conference on Information Systems
June 2011, Helsinki
Participants 520
Glass Performance Days
June 2011, Tampere
Participants 600
European Mobile Library Festival
August 2011, Turku
Participants 330
3rd Joint Scandinavian Conference in Cardiothoracic Surgery
August 2011, Tampere
Participants 400
28th Congress of the Scandinavian Association of Urology and Urological Nurses
August 2011, Tampere
Participants 480
Reaktor Developer Day
September 2011, Helsinki
Participants 270
Fourth International Conference on Unemployment, Job Insecurity and Health
September 2011, Espoo
Participants 75
1st International Congress in Dialogical Practices
September 2011, Helsinki
Participants 100
IANPHI 2011 Annual Meeting
September 2011, Helsinki
Participants 80
Helsinki Corpus Festival
September 2011, Helsinki
Participants 120
September 2011, Tampere
Participants 600
Novo Nordisk product launch event
January 2010, Helsinki
Participants 150
Suomen Urologiyhdistyksen Talvipäivät 2010
February 2010, Lappeenranta
Participants 250
EPISIS 3rd Think Tank Meeting
April 2010, Berlin
Participants 20
Baltica VIII – International Conference on Life Management and Maintenance for Power Plants
May 2010, Helsinki
Participants 100
CARO 2010 Workshop
May 2010, Helsinki
Participants 150
20th European Japanese Conference on Information Modelling
May 2010, Jyväskylä
Participants 40
June 2010, Helsinki
Participants 600
GF10 2nd International Symposium on Gluten-Free Cereal Products and Beverages
June 2010, Tampere
Participants 200
13th World Sport for All –congress
June 2010, Jyväskylä
Participants 800
International Conference of Software Business
June 2010, Jyväskylä
Participants 100
Flexpen product launch
January 2009, Vantaa
Participants 250
January 2009, Helsinki
Participants 1000
Suomen Urologiyhdistyksen Talvipäivät
February 2009, Pori
Participants 300
3rd Suomalainen perheterapiakonferenssi
March 2009, Jyväskylä
Participants 500
Laivojen paloturvallisuusseminaari
March 2009, Silja Line
Participants 50
May 2009, Jyväskylä
Participants 1200
May 2009, Helsinki
Participants 1000
Eläkeläiset ry Kesäpäivät
June 2009, Jyväskylä
Participants 2000
Day In Helsinki – Railin ja Juha-Matin 100-vuotis syntymäpäivät
July 2009, Helsinki
Participants 100
DIAK09 – Diakoniatyöntekijöiden neuvottelupäivät
September 2009, Espoo
Participants 650
Ebookers Indian night -event
January 2008, Helsinki
Participants 120
Suomen urologiyhdistyksen Talvipäivät
February 2008, Tampere
Participants 350
Suomen vastaanottoavustajat
April 2008, Jyväskylä
Participants 150
Eurooppakoulujen johtokunnan kokous 2008
April 2008, Helsinki
Participants 35
Laivojen paloturvallisuusseminaari
April 2008, Espoo
Participants 50
Boehringer Ingelheim Symposiumpalvelut
April 2008, Helsinki
Participants 350
Kirkon ulkomaanapu
May 2008, Helsinki
Participants 200
TERVE-SOS Jyväskylä
May 2008, Jyväskylä
Participants 1000
Kaupunkifoorum 2008
May 2008, Helsinki
Participants 250
June 2008, Silja
Participants 50
Papiston päivät 2008
October 2008, Helsinki
Participants 650
YTN Neuvottelupäivät
October 2008, Vantaa
Participants 100
Fire seminar
November 2008, Espoo
Participants 75
Ohjelmistotuotantoseminaari VTT
November 2008, Espoo
Participants 70
ExxonMobil annual celebration 2008
November 2008, Helsinki
Participants 70
Suomen ETYJ- puheenjohtajuuskauden ulkoministerikokous
December 2008, Helsinki
Participants 1750
Elinikäinen Oppinen ja koulutuspolitiikka
February 2007, Helsinki
Participants 150
Sosiaalisen yrittäjyyden konferenssi
February 2007, Helsinki
Participants 235
Suomen urologiyhdistyksen Talvipäivät
February 2007, Helsinki
Participants 300
Eaton annual party
February 2007, Helsinki
Participants 200
Elinikäinen Oppinen ja koulutuspolitiikka
February 2007, Helsinki
Participants 150
Laivojen paloturvallisuus
March 2007, Espoo
Participants 90
Vedeneristystöiden laadunmittaus
April 2007, Espoo
Participants 25
Pohjoismainen perinataalilääketieteen kongressi
April 2007, Tampere
Participants 250
Pohjoismainen neurokirurgia
May – June 2007, Helsinki
Participants 150
May 2007, Oulu
1000 participants
Sosiaali ja terveydenhuollon sosiaalisten yritysten toimintaedellytykset
May – June 2007, Helsinki
Participants 150
Library days
June 2007, Kuopio
Participants 400
Opetusministeriön kokousten akkreditointipalvelut pohjoismaiden puheenjohtajakaudella
August – October 2007, Kuopio/Helsinki/Turku/Espoo
Participants 540
Terveydenhuollon valvontakongressi
September 2007, Helsinki
Participants 900
Tasa-arvoratahankkeen loppuseminaari
September 2007, Helsinki
Participants 100
Yrittäjäpäivät 2007
September2007, Jyväskylä
Participants 1200
FindIt – Muuntaja-hankkeena loppuseminaari
September 2007, Mikkeli
Participants 150
Family business event 2007
October 2007, Helsinki
Participants 200
Helsinki High Lights
October 2007, Helsinki
Participants 900
YTN Training
Ocotber 2007, Helsinki
Participants 100
October 2007, Vaasa
Participants 200
Fire seminar
October 2007, Helsinki
Participants 100
Venäjä-ohjelman kumppanuusfoorumi
November 2007, Helsinki
Participants 200
Family seminar
November 2007, Helsinki
Participants 130
Suomen innovatiivisten toimien kansainvälinen seminaari
November 2007, Espoo
Participants 100
Etola 75 year celebration
November 2007, Helsinki
Participants 1000
Yliopistojen ja korkeakoulujen IT-johdon seminaari
November 2007, Jyväskylä
Participants 150
November 2007, Helsinki
Participants 130
Euroopan Unionin Teknisen Toimikunnan työkokous
July 2006, Helsinki
Participants 80
Suomen EU-puheenjohtajuuskauden kokousten akkreditointipalveluista
July – December 2006, Helsinki
Participants 16 000
Family business event 2006
October 2006, Helsinki
Participants 500
”Silta rakennerahastojen uuteen EU-ohjelmakauteen 2007-2013”-conference
October 2006, Helsinki
Participants 220
Tekla xCity-userdays
January 2005, Jyväskylä
Participants 400
Energiamarkkinaviraston sähköverkonhaltioiden keskustelupäivät
January 2005, Helsinki
Participants 180
Suomen urologiyhdistyksen talviseminaari
February 2005, Joensuu
Participants 150
Energiamarkkinaviraston maakaasualan keskustelupäivä
March 2005, Helsinki
Participants 60
Physics day
March 2005, Espoo
Participants 500
Energiamarkkinaviraston Päästökauppaseminaari
March 2005, Helsinki
Participants 200
41st National Library Event
June 2005, Tampere
Participants 500
Conference for educational books 2005
August 2005, Savonlinna
Participants 100
Diakoniatyöntekijöiden seminaari
September 2005, Helsinki
Participants 700
Interactive Future and Human Event
November 2005, Tampere
Participants 250
13th Finnish Society for Health Economics Seminar
February 2004, Helsinki
Participants 200
Finnish Urology Associations Winter Event
February 2004, Mikkeli
Participants 240
Healthcare Information Technology Seminar
May 2004, Tampere
Participants 700
Finnish-Swedish Translator Seminar
September 2004, Sweden
Participants 110
2nd National Neurology Days
October 2004, Helsinki
Participants 360
Finnish Urology Associations 50th Birthday
November 2004, Helsinki
Participants 200
Finnish Society for Health Economics Seminar
February 2003, Helsinki
Participants 240
Yritystutkimus-neuvottelukunnan kansainvälisten ja kansallisten suhdanteiden seminaari
February 2003, Helsinki
Participants 70
Yritystutkimuksen koulutuspäivä
March 2003, Järvenpää
Participants 150
Healthcare Information Technology Days
May 2003, Jyväskylä
Participants 500
Ryhmämatkailun myyntipäivät
October 2003, Helsinki
Participants 300
Yritystutkimuksen koulutuspäivät
October 2003, Helsinki
Participants 150
Orion 85th anniversary party
August 2002, Espoo/Turku/Kuopio/Oulu
Participants 4700
Healthcare Information Technology Days
2002, Joensuu
Participants 300
Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulupäivät 2002
2002, Helsinki
Participants 300
Yritystutkimus-neuvottelukunnan koulutuspäivät
2002, Espoo
Participants 200
K2002 – Pätevän Palvelun Päivät
November 2002, Helsinki
Participants 6500
5th Annual Astma and Allergy Meeting
2001, Helsinki
Participants 350
Radiodays Meeting
January 2001, Helsinki
Participants 150
Den Goda Finlandssvenska Skolan Meeting
March 2001, Helsinki
Participants 200
PEDA Forum Spring Seminar
April 2001, Espoo
Participants 100
Healthcare Information Technology Seminar
June 2001, Kajaani
Participants 300
Laivatekniikan Juhlaseminaari
2001, Espoo
Participants 100
Yritystutkimus-neuvottelukunnan koulutustapahtuma
2001, Tampere
Participants 200
Opintohallinnon päivät seminaari
September 2001, Espoo
Participants 200
Physics Days Seminar
March 2000, Espoo
Participants 490
TERVE-SOS 2000 Congress
May 2000, Tampere
Participants 2000
Healthcare Information Technology Meeting
May 2000, Pori
Participants 300
Suomenlahden Kasvukolmio –seminaari
May 2000, Helsinki
Participants 100
Ophthalmologists Fall in-service Training Seminar
September 2000, Rovaniemi
Participants 150
August 2000, M/S Silja Serenade
Participants 300
Mölnlycke Factory Opening Party
2000, Mikkeli
Participants 150
Suomen AMK kokous
2000, Silja Line
Participants 350
Yritystutkimus-neuvottelukunnan koulutuspäivät
September 2000, Helsinki
Participants 200
Universities International Affairs Fall Seminar
2000, Helsinki
Participants 300
Osaaminen ja alueiden kilpailukyky seminaari – Silta uuteen rakennerahasto-ohjelmakauteen
October 2000, Helsinki
Participants 350
Tietoteollisuuden osaamistarpeet ja koulutuksen kehittäminen seminaari
November 2000, Helsinki
Participants 200
IV National Astma and Allergy days seminar
January 1999, Oulu
Participants 350
Physics Seminardays
March 1999, Turku
Participants 450
TERVE-SOS 1999 congress
May 1999, Helsinki
Participants 2000
Ophthalmologists spring in-service training
September 1999, Turku
Participants 300
Healthcare Information Technology seminar
1999, Kuopio
Participants 300
Yritystutkimus-neuvottelukunnan koulutustapahtuma
1999, Helsinki
Participants 200
Suomen työttömyyskassojen yhteisjärjestön neuvottelukokous
1999, Espoo
Participants 200
Kuntatyönantaja seminaari
1999, Helsinki
Participants 300
Physics day congress
March 1998
Participants 350
Healthcare Information Technology seminar
1998, Hämeenlinna
Participants 300
Environmental Seminar for Hotel and Travel Industry
1998, Helsinki
Participants 200
Suomen AMK-päivät tapahtuma
1998, Helsinki
Participants 350
Yritystutkimus-neuvottelukunnan koulutuspäivät seminaari
1998, Helsinki
Participants 200
Tallinn Construction Day Seminar
August 1998, Tallinn
Participants 250
Hospitaldays Congress
November 1998, Mikkeli
Participants 500
Kauneudenhoitoalan kotimainen konferenssi
1998, Helsinki
Participants 200